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Atharva Gore - From Pune To Vallendar

Yana Immis

A few years ago, I developed an interest in the German language and soon liked it. That is when I decided to go to Germany for my Master's. I was a bit late than others as I started my applications in late March.

Yana was with me throughout the process and supported me whenever needed, and managed to get me into the best business school in Germany.

I was looking for the following:

  • Top-ranked business school

  • Variety of courses to choose from

  • Internationality

  • Good career support

Since no one in my close family has been to Germany for study purposes, I was pretty clueless about how to approach it. 

Luckily, while following pages related to Germany, Education in Germany, I came across Yana Immis, not knowing she would be the one to help me achieve my dreams. After writing my GMAT and IELTS exams, I decided to contact Yana. We had a small meeting soon, where we discussed the opportunities, possibilities, and my chances. Given my 'not so great' GMAT score, getting into a top-ranked business school was difficult, but Yana always said to aim for the best.

On top of my preferred university, I was also open to other business schools. Upon knowing that, Yana sent me a list of 10 courses where I had better chances, but again, the emphasis was on 'aiming for the best.'

WHU has a couple of interviews before the admissions team gives you a decision. Yana prepared me so well for both interviews that I could confidently face them head-on. We spent hours discussing how to best answer a question, how to behave during an interview, and what the interviewer expects, and her guidance is still valuable to me, and I am grateful for that. 

I moved to Vallendar to study for my Master's degree at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. When choosing a university, I would recommend choosing the one that genuinely helps you in the subject you're passionate about.

Yana has been both a friend and a teacher for me during my entire application process. She was someone who you could rely on and get answers to almost any related questions. 

I am sincerely thankful for her efforts and help make this journey simple for me. I really can't wait to meet her in person someday soon!

Thanks for everything! 

Polina Poliakova - From Moscow To Munich

Yana Immis

Ms. Polina Poliakova has successfully started her Master of Science (M.Sc) Finance program at ISM at Munich (September 2019)

Polina Poliakova - From Moscow To Munich Panorama

“I decided to go to Germany to get a master's degree after I surpassed all admission deadlines. Nothing is impossible!

Moreover, the requirements set by me and my parents (for my future university) were very high! Someone would say, nearly unrealistic, as we started our search in the middle of July 2019.

Yana was on the same wavelength with me and my family, so we, in the shortest period of time, managed to make the best choice. And let me tell you how that developed:

I was looking for:

a top school

a finance major

a school with a high % of professors, holding PhD

an option to start in September

a program with a mandatory internship

But how could this be possible?

By chance, on the Internet, my dad found Yana’s YouTube Channel, who decided to open her own Agency, and I became her first client. By the way, I had already come across her interview in the Russian language a few months back even before she started her business.

We were lucky because we were able to meet up with Yana in Moscow when she was there for a couple of days. We had a 6-hour meeting where we determined the scope of our mutual work. She also helped me realize what I really wanted to study and where.

We had a really difficult case, which consequently was very interesting.

Yana, like a meteor, gave us overnight a big number of universities to choose from. She has always been in touch and offered a lot of options that would fit our requests. Also, thanks to her connections, we flew to Germany and made a tour of the universities to meet the admissions teams. I personally visited each of the selected universities to pass the entrance interviews.

Needless to say that she arranged all of this after all the official deadlines? Thank you for negotiating on my behalf!


I moved to Munich to study my Master’s Degree at ISM & I love my university, I fell in love with it at first sight. I recommend students to choose university by passion and listen to your heart! Visit the university before you make a selection!

Yana had been supportive all the way concerning all the matters for my relocation, visa, and accommodation in Germany. Frankly speaking, we have been chatting 24/7 for the last few months and I never felt treated like a client because we became friends right away. Now I'm really looking forward to the moment she will fly back to Munich to meet me!

I try to follow her example:

  1. To always stay positive

  2. To not fear anything

  3. To develop

  4. To open up and meet new people

I hope that one day my success story will also be at her website. Currently loading… I am in the process. Thanks for everything, my German Education Fairy!

My family, and, especially my dad would like to express their sincere gratitude for everything”, - Polina Poliakova.

Harmanpreet Singh - From Ludhiana To Oestrich-Winkel

Yana Immis

I am an electrical engineer by profession and during my job years, I realized that in order to establish myself in a senior management position I need to learn good managerial techniques. An MBA seemed to be the pathway to achieve my goals. I chose Germany because of the quality of education and the enormous job opportunities available.

When I was analyzing the reviews regarding various business schools in Germany, I saw a post of Yana Immis and came in contact with her (from there my Fastrack entry to Germany’s top business school started).

I have a good GMAT and IELTS scores with good academic marks. Yana reviewed my documents and asked me which colleges I selected for admissions. After this conversation, Yana herself managed to arrange an admission interview with EBS University in a few days. I was not aware of this university earlier but then I found that this university is far better than my earlier options. She also helped me with my Resume and Cover Letter so that I can portray a perfect picture of myself.

Harmanpreet Singh From Ludhiana To Oestrich Winkel.jpeg

My interview went well and Yana managed to provide me my offer letter at the earliest as I did not have much time for visa procedures and eventually, I was there in my university in January 2020 to convert my dreams into reality. 

The universe starts working for you when Yana is on your side everything happens quickly in your favor. This is Yana’s magic.

To date experience of EBS university is far above my expectations. Besides, the beautiful location of the college in the middle of vineyards, the university MBA course is very well structured with challenging assignments that eventually build up an entrepreneurial and managerial mindset in you. The professors and career services staff are very supportive and well qualified.

They always try to provide you the best ways of teaching. Along with the academic concepts, professors always try to build managerial habits in you such as time management, team working, and curiosity.

I believe that the MBA experience from EBS University will be the game-changer towards achieving my career goals.

The best things about Yana:

Harmanpreet Singh From Ludhiana To Oestrich Winkel 2.jpeg

1. She never leaves you alone – she always replies on the first look and till date after six months of my admission she was always ready to help me.

2. Honest and genuine - she always tells you the truth about all your queries and never intends to take benefit of yours. She never charged a penny from students for her great support and efforts.

3. Professionalism - she is so professional in her approach that everything you planned with her would be complete in perfect time with extraordinary results. She puts on double efforts than the student and makes sure the student reaches his/her ultimate destination happily.

“Always try for the best and if that did not happen, only then settle for less. But never hesitate to aim the highest first”

The words which Yana told me once are still helping me to achieve big things in life. I am very grateful to Yana for her great help and support during my crucial times and hope I will always be on her people’s list.