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Harmanpreet Singh - From Ludhiana To Oestrich-Winkel

Yana Immis

I am an electrical engineer by profession and during my job years, I realized that in order to establish myself in a senior management position I need to learn good managerial techniques. An MBA seemed to be the pathway to achieve my goals. I chose Germany because of the quality of education and the enormous job opportunities available.

When I was analyzing the reviews regarding various business schools in Germany, I saw a post of Yana Immis and came in contact with her (from there my Fastrack entry to Germany’s top business school started).

I have a good GMAT and IELTS scores with good academic marks. Yana reviewed my documents and asked me which colleges I selected for admissions. After this conversation, Yana herself managed to arrange an admission interview with EBS University in a few days. I was not aware of this university earlier but then I found that this university is far better than my earlier options. She also helped me with my Resume and Cover Letter so that I can portray a perfect picture of myself.

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My interview went well and Yana managed to provide me my offer letter at the earliest as I did not have much time for visa procedures and eventually, I was there in my university in January 2020 to convert my dreams into reality. 

The universe starts working for you when Yana is on your side everything happens quickly in your favor. This is Yana’s magic.

To date experience of EBS university is far above my expectations. Besides, the beautiful location of the college in the middle of vineyards, the university MBA course is very well structured with challenging assignments that eventually build up an entrepreneurial and managerial mindset in you. The professors and career services staff are very supportive and well qualified.

They always try to provide you the best ways of teaching. Along with the academic concepts, professors always try to build managerial habits in you such as time management, team working, and curiosity.

I believe that the MBA experience from EBS University will be the game-changer towards achieving my career goals.

The best things about Yana:

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1. She never leaves you alone – she always replies on the first look and till date after six months of my admission she was always ready to help me.

2. Honest and genuine - she always tells you the truth about all your queries and never intends to take benefit of yours. She never charged a penny from students for her great support and efforts.

3. Professionalism - she is so professional in her approach that everything you planned with her would be complete in perfect time with extraordinary results. She puts on double efforts than the student and makes sure the student reaches his/her ultimate destination happily.

“Always try for the best and if that did not happen, only then settle for less. But never hesitate to aim the highest first”

The words which Yana told me once are still helping me to achieve big things in life. I am very grateful to Yana for her great help and support during my crucial times and hope I will always be on her people’s list.

Darshan Shah - 0 Km to Heidelberg

Yana Immis

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Mr. Darshan Shah started his Master of Science (Applied Computer Science) program at SRH Hochschule in Heidelberg in March 2020.

His visa was approved, but the documents were returned back to him from the embassy due to COVID19. In August 2020, the embassy asked him to come back to get his visa stamped and since the 1st of September, he has been happily ever after studying in Germany! I met him in Heidelberg in September and I was happy to know he had met new friends, safely stayed in the dorm during quarantine with his roommate, and is studying hard!

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I wish him the best of luck with his studies and ask him a few questions!

1. Darshan please tell us a little bit about yourself

I am Darshan Shah from Modasa, India. I have completed a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from Gujarat Technological University in June 2015 with distinction. After completing my bachelor's degree I have worked for three years in a reputed firm as a software developer. In November 2019 I had applied for summer intake 2020 in SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, course of Applied Computer Science with the guidance of Yana Immis. Due to this corona pandemic, I was studying online from India.

2. Why did you choose SRH Hochschule Heidelberg?

SRH Hochschule, Heidelberg would not only provide me with the best theoretical knowledge through the astute faculties but would also help me gain the practical aspects of the same. To enhance my interest and help me to gain a better knowledge of Computer Science. I conceive that SRH will be best for my career development. Keeping in view my background and career plans. I would prefer to work in the IT sector. This would provide me with a superior prospect to pursue my interest to the fullest.

3. Why did you choose Germany out of so many options to study abroad?

The main motive to choose Germany for my master's program is that German degrees are highly respected by employers worldwide and Germany has a first-rate education system with high standards and global recognition. German culture is diverse and vibrant. Apart from that, I think global exposure in today’s time is a pre-requisite for career development.

Raisa Pogrebova - 2026 Km To Munich

Yana Immis

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Ms. Raisa Pogrebova will start her M.Sc. Master of Science in Finance program at ISM Hochschule in Munich in November 2020

I wish her the best of luck with her studies and ask her a few questions before her relocation from Russia to Germany!

1. Why did you choose ISM Hochschule in Munich?

When I was looking for schools in Munich I visited two of the three, I fell in love with ISM. It is like family and home with comfort.

2. Why did you choose Finance as a major?

I enjoyed the program because there are exactly those subjects that I have not studied before, not management, but also not pure economics. It is exactly what I need - finance.

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3. Why did you choose Germany out of so many options to study abroad?

Germany - the center of Europe, excellent value for money, many different possibilities after graduation.

4. What do you plan to bring with you from Russia to Germany?

I'll take buckwheat and all my curiosity with me.