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Jennifer Michael - Bachelor Student From Syria

Yana Immis

Jennifer is Syrian, born and raised in Dubai. She has just graduated her Bachelor degree and she feels that she is one step forward to making her parents proud. You can read her study in Germany success story here.

Place of Birth Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Nationality Syrian
Where did you live? Sharjah, Dubai (UAE), Stuttgart, Munich (Germany)
Education Level Prior to Relocation Secondary School
Reason of moving to Germany Bachelor Program
When did you move? 2014
How old were you? 17
Are you still in Germany? Yes
What is your current occupation? Fresh Bachelor Graduate
What is your future goal? Family Business, or my own company
Would you like to stay in Germany? No

Chapter 1: Life Abroad

Summary of my life: I am Syrian, born & raised in Dubai. This place is dearest to me and I call it home. It is a place where my heart belongs. I went to the International School Choueifat in Sharjah and moved to Germany to do my Bachelor. 

We grew up knowing we would study abroad. My mother was always open to the idea of me and my siblings going out of the country to study. Living in Dubai is like living in a bubble. If you do not go out of the country, you live in society and due to high pressure, you lose your personality. My family is modern and not close-minded like some people you see in Dubai. My parents didn’t want us to grow up like that. 

You do what society wants you to do. 

Going abroad lets you absorb new information, to find yourself, gain experiences, see different cultures and be more open-minded.

I was choosing between the USA and Germany.

Germany   United States
Aunt and cousins are there   My brother is there
A short flight (7 hours)   A long flight (16 hours)
English + German languages   English language

What was a decisive point in me choosing a university? I applied to 2: in Stuttgart and in Munich. I would have chosen Stuttgart but they didn’t have an English track for a program I wanted.

It was a good decision because I would be just within 3 hours drive and independent. No more going for food to my aunt. Help with anything? Not asking aunt – rather doing everything myself.  

In terms of coming to Germany, Munich or University choices – I do not regret anything. You do learn from your mistakes and what you have gone through. You have to experience everything in order to learn. From that, yes I did not go to the USA, but I learnt the language which would be beneficial for my work in Dubai in the future. 

The Good Side of Germany

  • Shopping

Everything is so much cheaper comparing to Dubai.

  • Freedom

It is not about freedom from parents but I do not have to be afraid of being me. What I mean by freedom is that people don’t look at you and they don’t size you up here when you are walking down the street. In Dubai, everyone knows you and people do look. “Oh, my God! She did this, she did that, she is the daughter of”…blabla. 

Here no one cares who you are and you can be yourself. I don’t have to put an image and I can say and wear what I want. 

  • Perks of being an Arab

I have a big family here in Europe. 30 cousins in all possible European countries. 

  • Infrastructure

Being in Germany is very easy to travel everywhere. Transportation is available and can take you to any location. I try to spend all the holidays with my family in Dubai (Easter, Christmas).

Now when I feel homesick, I just take a train to Stuttgart or a plane to Sweden, where my uncle and friends live. Last time it took me 35 Euro to fly to Stockholm.

The Bad Side of Germany

  • German language

It is a very difficult language. I can speak, but my shyness gets to it. I stay in my comfort zone, but it is getting better, I am at B1 now. With a Master Degree I will be perfectly fine.

  • Heat

In the Summer there is no air conditioning! I complain about the heat and people tell me: “Hey, you are from Dubai!” We only experience the heat when we walk from the house to the car or from the car to the mall. Yes, you can cook an egg on car, but aircons are everywhere!

  • Stereotypes

Right now, with the new refugees coming to Germany, people have a bad impression of me by default when I tell them where I am from. I usually say I am from Dubai, because if I say I am from Syria, they think I am a refugee

  • There is not much to do

People are focused on living that day: work, go home, sleep. Everything is planned and inflexible. In Germany, they have this workweek life cycle and during the weekend they party. But every single day in Dubai is different, you can never predict the day. It feels good to be home. Freedom of movement, I can drive everywhere, which again is so much more spontaneous.

In Munich, no one is spontaneous, which is completely opposite of what I am. “Hey, Jennifer! Would you like to do that? Would you like to go there?” 

Sure. You only live once.

Chapter 2: Friends

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If I were to stay in Dubai, the future would have been predefined: after the International School straight to the good old American University of Sharjah – everyone goes there. It would be the same as in high school.

Same people, same environment, same everything – whenever I go back to Dubai – nothing changed up until now. 

Now I look back to my friends and they are still in that bubble. If anything is about to change in the world, they wouldn’t be able to adapt easily. I went to a new country and culture and I had to adapt. Because people won’t adapt to you (especially the Germans *laughter behind the scenes*). 

I was put over here and was forced to adapt and change and it helped my personality grow. When I was in the UAE, I was very introverted – a shy little person. We are 4 with my best friends in Dubai – I was always known as the shy one. I tried my best to make everyone happy as my happiness depended on other people. Back in high school, I was afraid, thinking my opinion would be funny, irrelevant or wrong. But when I came over here, I was able to bring my personality up: I became more open, I expressed my opinion.

All thanks to Internship semester, where I had no choice but to find a job and deal with hierarchy and assignments

In Germany, the majority of my friends are Germans (surprise). But those Germans, who have been through a lot of travelling or international exposure: they saw different cultures and they are accepting them. On the first day when I started university, I started talking to Sara and Ben and it just clicked. Can’t imagine being without them now. I deliberately did not make Arab friends first, because I wanted to be out of the bubble from the past.

Chapter 3: Family

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My mother

My mother did not finish her studies. She was in her last law exams and she would be a Lawyer but she put her life on hold for us. I admire it because she dedicated her whole life to us four. I want to be like that in the future.

I will not let my kids know that they are missing something, but also I will teach them humbleness.

The way my parents brought us up: we had everything we needed. But the stuff I wanted was not always given to me unless I achieved something. Whatever I wanted was an award. I had to work for it

I have just graduated my Bachelor degree and It feels right. I finally accomplished something. One step forward to making my parents proud. I want to do a Master degree now and then to come back to Dubai to work with my father. I also consider opening my own business with my brother.  There is definitely a plan there, but not a planned plan. For now, it is a goal.  

My father

I like the strategy my father uses: “Work is work, but when I come home, I do not talk about work.” He loves me. He loves us all. He has been through a lot and he shows his love differently from my mother: providing to me and my siblings financially. 

He left Syria when he was only 15 years old. He left to work, earn and send money back home. He works harder every day in order to provide for us everything he never had – he is a role model for me.

My siblings

I look up to my elder brother. He was always the one everyone talked about. I wanted to be like that as well. Maybe if I follow his steps, I thought, I would reach his level. 

He helped me through a lot emotionally. He would be the first person to contact when something happens. We grew up together and we are only 2 years apart. Even our birthdays are February 11th and February 13th. 

Abraham would always advise me to learn from my mistakes: “I am not going to be there to babysit you, but I will be there to support you. If you want to do something, come up with a detailed plan and I will support you even if our parents do not.”

My younger brother is 13 years old and currently he is having that stage in his life: “I’m too cool, I am just going to stay in my room, play games and watch tv shows, I ain’t talking to anybody.”

My sister is 7 years old and the love of the house – our little doll. I love her and I swear, if anything happens, I would give my heart to her. 

Once you are married to someone you put all the strength into it. Especially if you have children. Family is everything to me and one should try to do anything to make it work. The more I grow up, the more sentimental and attached I become to my parents and siblings. 

My elder brother has a Master Degree, I have a Bachelor Degree and in the eyes of our parents, we are secure. Now is the time for us to take care of the young ones. We are 4 siblings and 2 different generations. It is our responsibility to guide their way, especially for my younger brother. Anything can easily influence him at this age.

Being in Germany alone can get quite hard. What pushes me forward is the anticipation of flying back home soon. 

Family goals.

Patrick Grauel - Bachelor Student From France

Yana Immis

Why a German would study a Bachelor degree in English in Germany? Why not in the German language? Read this wonderful success story of a consultant from Bali with Munich roots here.

Nationality German by passport (French by heart)
Where did you live? Budapest (Hungary), Bali (Indonesia), Loughborough (England)
Are you in Germany? Yes
What is your current occupation? Working
What is your future goal? Own business in Indonesia
Would you like to stay in Germany? Yes

Chapter 1: Citizen of the world

Basically, both of my parents were born in Germany. My father is from the North of Germany, and so is my mother, but if you ask me where I am from, I would say, I’m French.

My mother grew up in France, and that’s where she went to school. She had a tough time learning French as this was a new environment for her, but she put all the efforts and managed. That’s how she became the French person the people know today. She taught my brother and me French. At an early age on we went to a French school in Munich. This way, we spoke French first; German and English at a native level later on (happy childhood). 

My mother is a powerful woman, never underestimate her stubbornness. She would put a lot of pressure on you. In Summer, when all the kids were having the time of their life, I had to do extra work and extra classes. I hated school and, I guess, because of that, I was terrible at this whole studying thing. I first had to learn flute, then rescue-swimming classes, then taekwondo, then transverse flute (another type of flute because obviously there are not enough types of flutes out there) and tennis.

One day I just quit it all, rebelled, destroyed my room and ran away from home. It was raining, not a beautiful day. Whoever is reading this, please do not repeat! I stopped all the hobbies at age 13 due to a lot of pressure – I just couldn’t take it anymore.

It was a turning point…

Actually, a good one. My mother changed. That’s when I started to pick the things I like. I decided to come back to tennis myself and to do the civil service, which until recently was mandatory.

In a nutshell, in Germany, you have 3 options:

  1. Military service - nope to that

  2. Civil service (hospitals & taking care of people)  - nope to that too

  3. FSJ - Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr – one year you get paid “peanuts”, but you do something related to sports and good for society.

Here is what I did: I worked for my very first tennis coach. I was coaching people from schools that have a high number of immigrants. In exchange, the Bavarian state paid for my tennis coach license (The Bavarian state is asking you to pass a couple of written and practical exams to become a licensed tennis coach.) That was cool. I actually learnt to ‘sell myself’and how to become a good tennis coach.

Until today, when I am low on cash, I sign up to teach from time to time.

Chapter 2: Life is about coincidences

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When my civil service was over, I had to make a university choice. I did not even consider outside of Germany, because I made a very decent income as a tennis coach and I find Germany to have some of the best universities. I chose a Bachelor program in the English language with small international groups (25 students per class). In German state universities, the groups can be 200-700 people, that’s not for me.

Since I always felt attracted to good books and movies (usually the best books are always in English), this felt like a natural decision. I was not very sure what to study, so I opted for a degree in business administration because I knew it would open a wide variety of opportunities.

I finished my Bachelor degree with a few ups and downs here and there, and then I thought what do I do next?

Doing a Master degree right away with no work experience? Nah, not for me.

I applied for jobs across the whole world. Germany, the UK, Dubai, Singapore. The criteria for my applications was a company with a great name to get experience and a name on my CV.

I used quantity over quality in applications for jobs.

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I decided not to apply for internships at all, hoping on a lucky scenario. And the lucky scenario happened, by coincidence: I met one guy, who worked for KPMG, mentioned that I would love to work for them and landed in a job.  As easy as that.

The network won’t work for you unless you work for it yourself.

Speak out, apply, go for it! If you can sell yourself well during the interview and CV stages, don’t do an Internship

KMPG in Budapest (Hungary) created a new international department from scratch to take care of taxation and I really thought it could be a good fit. My father always told me if you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to understand a few things: taxation, sales and (corporate) law. If you do not know them, your chances to be successful are under risk.

I knew precisely a career in taxation was nothing for me, and I am pretty sure many people would think the same way, but there is something I could learn here. Looking back my one year at KPMG saved a couple of thousands of euros easily! (Note: if you are looking for a very stable job with high wages, taxation might be something you should look into).

Never underestimate the power of foreign languages and experience abroad, it broadens your horizons and opens doors! In Budapest, as a German, I landed a job easily. It would have been much more challenging to get into the same position in Germany.  I had 2 interview sessions with the leading HR and an assessment center afterward (Excel exam & logical reasoning, which was very weird frankly speaking).

It was not easy to move to Budapest after living all my life in a beautiful city of Munich. I really hesitated to go there a lot, that’s why I visited before sealing the deal.

End result: I fell in love with the architecture - it is a beautiful city. After living there for a year, I realized, that a salary increase is not relative to western countries at all and Hungarian people are pretty tough to handle. They are somehow drawn to pessimism (for historic reasons) and I come from a different cultural background. I was living in the fanciest part of town you could live in. This was really cool. My first job and to have a lovely apartment was a great deal. I was living close to a market and the Hungarian Parliament, so that was pretty cool. Especially Hungary in Summer is insanely beautiful and people are engaging in different activities: Red Bull racing show, Sziget Music Festival, where you can listen to bands like Mumford & Sons among others.

The learning curve at work was precisely what I was expected. Did I see this as a career to fully involve myself in? No. The content was very dry. A clear No. When I learnt everything and saw there was no new topic relevant to me, I decided to move on in my career.

Chapter 3: Life is all about coincidences. Did I mention that?

My dad is the best salesperson existing on the planet Earth.

From every conversation, you learn so much!!! He made a lot of good connections and once at a fair was offered to invest in Indonesia real estate - that’s how he decided to open a resort in Bali. I have never been there and I was against this decision. I didn’t know enough to judge. What I knew is that Bali is a big grey zone that has something to do with corruption and foggy legal circumstances.

Now looking back I am thrilled that he opened a resort. I signed up to bring the hotel to life and moved to Bali for 1.5 years. Together with my father I took part in all negotiations with farmers to lease land and government bodies and learnt everything from scratch: from legal paperwork to construction work to sales and marketing. I learned how to open a business, what to pay attention to, how to do bookkeeping, how to look for real estate option, how to negotiate, how to draw to do groundwork, build a foundation, follow up on construction work, calculate and estimate cost and the list goes on and on and on...

I lived in Bali which was beautiful itself.

Our 4 * Resort in Ubud is one of our biggest achievements. It is a part of the jungle and pure nature, something I feel very attracted to. Late 2020 we will expand to build 8 more pool villas or build a new resort, we are not sure yet.

But all good things come to an end, just like in that Julia Roberts Movie, “Eat, Pray, Love”, once the resort was up and running smoothly, I left Bali for new adventures.

I had a dilemma and fear: How do I explain my transition from KPMG to an unrelated industry?

I was not sure about the answer and felt the calling to pursue a Master Degree in something I truly have a passion for and applied to a small town UK university (top 5 in the UK) for an Economics and Applied Statistics / Data Science Program. I absolutely loved it: this is what you feel when you do Master program with passion. I ended up receiving a fully paid PhD offer at the end of it (which I declined because the city was too small to spend 3 to 4 years in it)

I did simple processes in R for our resort to analyze who our best customers are, and I wanted to be able to do more and to use available data smartly. 

To be able to perform at school and at work, I had to distract myself. That’s when my hobbies were a real help. Apart from tennis, I hike actively in the mountains & engage myself in landscape photography. I am learning how to edit pictures & movies. What would you say?

I also started travelling. My first trips were to Sri Lanka and Oman – so beautiful and so diverse. I just booked my flight to Georgia and my 2 dream destinations are Iceland with Russia. While travelling I started applying for Sales / Consulting jobs related to data analytics & data warehouse in Germany, the UK, Dubai, Sweden. I got 6-7 job offers from 3 countries but only one caught my attention.

Why have I received so many offers? Because I changed my strategy.

Now I used quality over quantity instead of applying like a machine to all applications

I took the whole day to nail the cover letter on the job posting.

I work at an amazing company right now and I am a consultant. From the first interview, I felt good. Cintellic it is a small consultancy focused on data analytics. 1st I had a phone interview, then 2nd interview was in person in Frankfurt with HR and direct manager. The 3rd interview was with a co-owner. It was very casual (Indian restaurant) to see if I am a good fit to meet customers in person. Usually these casual talks for consultancies that are focused on small to middle size enterprises play a big role.

I am assigned to an account in the insurance sector now. We are dealing with a data set of 30 to 50 million lines. Excel and Tableau cannot manage that, that is extremely useless, which is why we build our own Dataware house and use SQL and SAS to manage data sets.

Why I chose Germany out of all countries and this offer out of all companies in particular:

  1. Salary

  2. Holidays (30 paid holiday days per year excluding public holidays)

  3. Legal Framework (contract is very good)

  4. Location and infrastructure

  5. Germany has a shortage of qualified labour

Company is located in Bonn and they have a shared office in Frankfurt and we can use any of the design offices in the whole of Germany.

Transportation is fast and reliable; I can be located anywhere. I am located where my client is during the week. And weekends I spend back home with my family in Munich

Pluses and minuses of being a consultant

A steep learning curve with moving from one project to the next

Good opportunity to make money by side

Travelling (a lot) this can be both good and bad. They send you where you have no friends so that you can dedicate yourself fully to work (and sport)

You work far more than written in your contract.

When you travel it is considered your "free time" so you have to be efficient

New job offers, constantly.

My goal: for the next few years is to create a passive income from real estate, as I am interested in investment towards Indonesia. I want to build real estate there. I believe a villa in Bali is a much more sound and solid investment than real estate in Germany.

It is not for everybody, of course, but not everybody is my client. I am trying to involve my brother to work with me on this, he is working in Frankfurt in the financial sector and has incredible knowledge. Let’s see how that goes. I do believe, that we are on the right track (looking back).

Wish us luck!

Recommended by me reading for you. Read these books, you won’t regret. They help you shape your mind and set future goals!

Gunjan Kandarp Kapdi - MBA Student From India

Yana Immis

Meet Gunjan Kandarp Kapdi. A vegetarian Indian that doesn’t drink alcohol. She came to Bavaria without the German language to do her MBA degree. You can read her study in Germany success story here.


Place of Birth Gujarat, India
Nationality Indian
Where did you live? Gujarat, Rajkot (India)
Education Level Prior to Relocation Bachelor Degree
Reason of moving to Germany MBA Program
When did you move? 2019
How old were you? 27
Are you still in Germany? Yes
What is your current occupation? Working in Germany!
What is your future goal? Career in Germany, Family Reunion
Would you like to stay in Germany? Yes

Chapter 1: Dream To Study Abroad


Sounds like the start of a good story. Doesn’t it?

I have been through a lot! But all went smoothly and exactly as I planned.

I was a very active child that people got irritated by my active mind. I was curious and couldn’t sit still. I always had ideas and I always wanted to do something. I was drawing a lot since childhood, painting, sketching (since 2nd class). I started writing poems and articles in class 5 and I always enjoyed writing, I do that still. My articles, in fact, got published in India! Sadly, they are not in the English language to share. I always liked to read, to study, and it paid off!

I studied an Engineering Diploma and a Business Administration Bachelor. I took IELTS and scored 7.0, which was a very safe bet to apply for programs abroad. A desire for further studies came to me after 2-3 years of working in India. I realized, that if I would like to develop, I would need to have a Master’s degree. I needed to learn more and had to educate myself on different topics, hence I started looking for MBA options.

If I want to study Master, why not to choose the best place?

By looking at the different options, I realized, it makes no sense to stick only with India. I analyzed the profiles of different countries (Australia, USA, UK, Germany). I came to know if we compare the living costs and benefits, Germany is very high in the rank.

And here I was… applying only to one school in one country.

I successfully got an offer and arrived in Germany. I love my MBA program. I easily found a job. I love my job! Sounds too good to be true? Everything went exactly how I had planned. For me it happened so smoothly, I don’t know why. Normally it's not like that.

How I approached German education and employment: strategically. I started looking for work opportunities when I was back in India, I applied for a few positions, after I had secured my place at a university and paid the deposit to a university in Germany.

I wanted to work in the field with what I studied until now and it worked out. I was searching for a job on LinkedIn and XING and I came across one job posting on LinkedIn, which I applied for. After coming here, I got in touch with them in person because they invited me for an interview. After an in-person interview, I confirmed my interest in the role (Business Process Manager – working student). Then they called me for the next interview. I cleared both interviews very well. They were happy with my performance.

Everything was handy: my education in Germany and my work experience in India for me to land this job! I work in a multinational Fintech company which is growing very fast. I do business process management. What do we do? We manage all the processes, i.e. governance. The role is to implement a new process, as an example if there is in any project with the need for extra developers, and they want to have temporary workers for the project, there should always a process to follow (the steps to hire a person). That process we design, implement, modify, and if there are challenges we are constantly in touch to check if processes are being followed. I am responsible for this and I like it so much. It is very interesting.

I got the job I wanted. I looked for this company when I was in India but it was only possible to secure it after I was enrolled in the German MBA Program with permission to work. That’s why everything went smooth. Right now we have off-campus time (MBA studies normally are from October to February and from March to July) and as per my visa, I can work 120 full days a year. I haven’t worked this year yet, that’s why I am taking advantage of it this Summer (working full-time).

Chapter 2: Culture shock

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Everything happened as planned, I have been here with no troubles, but there are some things Indian students need to be aware of:

- I am here since March 2019 and as an Indian in Germany, I would say most of the time I feel comfortable here. The attitude here towards Indian students or Indian people is 70% nice. 30% it is weird. People basically see you differently and do not know how to behave. Maybe people have gone through some different experiences, I guess, whatever the reason is, but they are not 100% friendly.

- The German language is very difficult and you definitely need it. Even while working in English, or in public transport, or in governmental office…

…you have to learn – there is no other way…

If you start studying or working it will be difficult for you to spare time and learn. The German language is difficult for Indians to learn. Start when you are back home! While you have a few months waiting for a visa.

- I come from the West part of India (Gujarat state). Weather is a bit hot, so here in Germany, it is really cool. In Gujarat, we have very hot Summer it could reach +50C you cannot step outside your home. But we are not getting crazy when Summertime comes. But here, when people see the sun in Germany, they go mad, they love it, they place all the tables and chairs outside, and they can sit all day long enjoying the sun. People here love the sun.

- Gujarat is a ‘dry state’. It is not allowed to consume or to sell liquor there, there was a bit of a shock here. You can find alcohol here everywhere! And Germans (or Bavarians) consider beer as bread and start drinking early. Even company lunches can go with beer. Staying away from alcohol takes practice and resistance.

- I come from a vegetarian family, so Oktoberfest is a lot of fun (sarcasm). That would be another shock. If you don’t cook, it is a bit difficult for you to find vegetarian food. I cook and get my ingredients in the Indian grocery stores, there are not many and mostly in the city center. I must travel there every time. But then since vegetarianism and veganism is a new trend in Germany, more and more restaurants are offering at least 1 vegan/vegetarian meal per page.

- I used to feel very weird when coming home from classes, especially after 9 PM. Germans start work early and go home early. In Rajkot, we have nightlife! We would go out at 9 pm and come home at 4 am. People here sleep so early, there is no one on the street. Where are the people? You can feel very lonely and weird here not to see anyone.

- In Germany, it is normal not to know your neighbors. In India? Forget about it. You will know everyone, and everyone will know you. People will want to know everything about you and what you do for a living and how good your business runs. There are beauties of both places, but, frankly speaking, I like that in Germany, everyone minds their own business. I like the way people here are not much interested in your personal stuff, and they keep distance, it is very comfortable for me.

- Distances are very different. Here, with public transport things are easy. In India, it is tough. I like that part of Germany or Munich – good public transport and no big traffic jams. I am so thankful. When I go back to India I look forward (not) to 2-hour traffic jams.

- In India, I have never done house caring things myself, like washing dishes. We hire people for the kitchen and for cleaning. They are searching for a job, and we are happy to employ people because we can afford it. My husband has a cook and a servant. It is the way things are in India. In Munich, I do everything myself!

Chapter 3: Future

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Everything is pretty good as of now. I have just finished my MBA. The MBA is challenging but very helpful. I am very much familiar with the concept of my current job thanks to my MBA. I can see the relevance of the subjects and I am really feeling connected with what I am working. I am happy about it.

When my MBA classes were held I was working part-time (240 half days a year) and when students complete the MBA they can work as a regular employee.

I already had a conversation with my company about my future and they would be happy if I were to continue working for them after my studies. We talked about long-term possibilities. Win-win situation!

I would stay for a while in Germany because it is just the beginning of my career here, I want to learn about different cultures and to explore Europe. I would love to travel around. Definitely, for some years. My life right now is all about my career. If I find something very attractive in India, I will think of going back. I am set, now it is the turn of my spouse.

My husband, Kandarp, will be moving here for his Master’s as well. We are looking for a good and affordable options for spouses to come to Germany, as he is a Mechanical Engineer and a budget for private education for two is much more difficult to organize.         

Even before our marriage (back then when he was single), while doing his Bachelor he already wanted to come to Germany and study his Masters. He was so interested to learn here because he always says: “Germany – is the mother of machines!”. As soon as he finished his Bachelor, he decided to ignore his dream, as he had gotten a job. It got delayed, delayed, and delayed. But now it is the best time to go: to take a break from the job and to go for Masters as well. We are considering Master in Engineering, MBA, online MBA, study visa and spouse visa opportunities right now.

The world is your oyster! Make the right decision, Kandarp! But make sure to learn German before you arrive, please! Bitte!!!