Study In Germany Roundup: Best Articles 2022
Yana Immis
2022 has been a great year for me and thanks to you, my readers, my blog continues to thrive.
This year brought a lot of great news and discoveries for the education industry and studies in German higher educational establishments which has led to great content. Now that the year ended, it is a great time to take a look back at my best articles for the year and gear you for what’s to come in 2023.
Study In Germany Useful Articles
Study Abroad - Blog

Atharva Gore - From Pune To Vallendar
From The Author
Key Takeaway
Looking back, 2022 was a great year and I’m really proud that my website continues to be a go-to blog for people looking for studying abroad and studying in Germany in particular.
I plan on continuing relevant, informative, and fresh content for the readers and I hope to help more international students with their dream to study abroad!