What Is A Blocked Account In Germany?
Yana Immis
The blocked account (Sperrkonto) is a special type of bank account. You are required to open such an account before applying for a German Study Visa Type D (Above 90 days).
Today On Our Agenda:
- What is a Blocked Account?
- Do I really need a Blocked Account?
- Blocked Account: how much money should I put on it?
- I am bringing my husband/wife and children – how much money to put on the Blocked Account? Do they need a separate one?
- What if I come to Germany only for 6 months – how much money should I put on the Blocked Account?
- Blocked Account documents: what I do need to open it?
- Can I dodge the Blocked Account?
- Blocked Account Exception №1: Invitation from a friend or relative (Verpflichtungserklaerung zum Studium Zweck)
- Blocked Account Exception №2: A fully funded scholarship
- Blocked Account Exception №3: Confirmed government loans