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Jose G. - MBA Student From Mexico

Yana Immis

“If things work in Germany, why can’t they work in my country? I did my MBA in Germany to apply all the knowledge in my Start-Up in Mexico City.” Read Jose’s success story here!

Place of Birth Veracruz, Mexico
Nationality Mexican
Where did you live? Xalapa, Mexico City (Mexico), Munich (Germany)
Education Level Prior to Relocation Bachelor Degree
Reason of moving to Germany MBA Degree
When did you move? 2013
How old were you? 25
Are you still in Germany? No
What is your future goal? Own Business Development
Where would you like to live further? Mexico City 100%

Chapter 1: Study Abroad Experience

I studied in a college in Guadalajara and failed the first semester. As a punishment, my father assigned me as a construction worker for 6 months. This is how I developed a love for the construction industry. It is a sort of family business.

He asked if I wanted to continue working or I wanted to study afterward?!

I chose to study after this nice punishment. And I decided to study abroad.

I had my reasons for this:

  1. I wanted to prove myself that I was able to be a good student. I wasn’t a good student before. That was the first step

  2. I wanted to do an MBA. I had a Bachelor degree already with construction supervision work experience and I wanted to focus on business

  3. One of my cousins was studying in Italy and he was bragging about how amazing the stories in Europe are and how great that experience was. I saw him mature from this study abroad experience

  4. One of my friends offered me to go abroad and study there together. So I said OK. Let’s do it. Let’s go to study abroad.

My friend sent me all the information and ironically, in the end, he didn’t go (isn’t it funny?) and I went all in and I only had to choose between Dubai, Europe or Asia.

The most difficult was to choose because I was accepted in all 3 locations. I didn’t want the USA or Canada because I wanted to experience a new culture &new everything!

My plan was:

  • To prove myself I can study

  • To travel a lot

  • To come back and work in the construction industry in Mexico

My cousin told me Europe has open borders and I could travel within 3 countries in 1 day by train, so that sort of sealed the deal.

I have decided – I will go to Germany. I will go to Munich – I will go for the FC Bayern Football team.

A real mature decision isn’t it?

In the end, it was the best decision of my life

Chapter 2: Germany & Mexico

I didn’t realize that I was moving abroad until I went out of the metro station and I saw the German architecture WHAT THE HELL HOW BEAUTIFUL.

I realized I was making a big change in my life only then. The language is cool, so different from Spanish, people – you can learn so much from them and their life because they are tough and they demand things. They have a structure in what they do. You can learn from people even if you don’t study there. The culture there is something you admire: the surroundings, the logistics, the punctuality.

Something that I loved there and we don’t have here in Mexico is the quality of 9 am – 5 pm life – the work-life balance.

That is so admirable. Security and amount of holidays as well as job security and employee protection. I had fun but I could also concentrate on studies.

I took full advantage of travelling in Europe during my degree, I travelled to experience culture and lifestyle. I did a beer tasting trip around Europe as well 😊 My favourite would be Bratislava and Munich and… Oktoberfest of all festivities!

I met great friends in my MBA class

Moose is my big bro (USA/Egypt)

Javier is awesome (Colombia)

Paula (Andorra)

Yerkin (Kazakhstan)

We were a family, it was cool!

Jose G. - MBA Student From Mexico 2.jpg

I studied for 1 year in Germany and wrote my thesis about crowdfunding applied in Latin America.

I wanted to start a business in crowdfunding and do research and write my MBA E-Business Thesis about it and practical implications and building the company.

I did not take a professor as a promoter and it was a mistake!

I didn’t prioritize it at all. I just wanted to finish with thesis very fast and my big priority was my business

…now thinking in retrospective I should have asked professors more I could have learnt more from them instead of thinking I knew everything on my own.

Take advantage of the professors while you can and ask as many questions as you can.

I had ideas and so many things are missing in Mexico City, that’s what I wanted to do. I started to put down ideas to do something good for my country.

If things are working right there, why can’t I do it in Mexico?!

I wanted to do something for my country.

When I finished my degree I left right away. I never regretted choosing Germany.

I still travel once a year back to Europe, my second home, mi amor! I am not a big planer, so I decide, as any Mexicans do, on the plane! Jajajajajajajaja I go when and if it feels like it’s the time to go. I wish I could make it next year and be back there for Oktoberfest.

I studied well in Germany, well, enough! MBA in Germany brought me the value and I definitely grew up. I cannot say how, but all my friends, my family said somehow I came back a different person.

I felt better than I had been before. A different perspective, rich experiences.

For me, when I came back, it is like someone put the pause button from the moment I left. Everything was the same, but I wanted more. I saw my friends – they stayed in the same status quo and I, on the contrary, was hungry for new knowledge and experience. All that happened after the MBA.

Chapter 3: CEO & Start-Up

Jose G. - MBA Student From Mexico 3
Jose G. - MBA Student From Mexico 2

When I came back from Germany I did not want to work in construction anymore. I came back not fully knowing what I would do but from one day to another I tried different business ideas and I found my niche.

I right away moved from Xalapa to Mexico City to make money! I didn’t know the people though, so I started building networks and connections.

You don’t need investments to start a company,

you need a good team.

I went to networking events to get to know programmers & developers. I talked to companies and asked for references, I started building the pool of contacts.

  • First I joined a company in Mexico City and achieved a high position.

  • I worked for 1.5 years there then quit to start my company.

  • I returned because I was asked to become the CEO and since I know that my company would take a long time to start up I agreed on the condition I would only work 2 days a week.

I have a fixed income that is good and time to dedicate to my startup.

I was a co-founder of real estate crowdfunding. What we did there we put investments of regular people like 500 USD and we built a digital platform where they could invest. We are the top 3 in Mexico Nation!

Right now we are funding more than the industry itself. This allowed me to understand issues and to meet the relevant people in the industry. I know the industry from inside out. That’s why I know the whole picture and can sell my product for them.

Oh, by the way, I meet all the time the people who think my Start-Up won’t work out.

But I don’t listen. Because if you have a good idea, the only one who can tell you something is wrong is your customer.

If you have an idea, you have to test it. You only know if it doesn’t work if you tested it 20-50 times with your customer. You have to put the product to the customer, face the need with them and then solve the problem for them. Start-Up actually doesn’t start with an idea, it starts with a problem that a customer would want you to solve. That’s it.

I returned in 2015 so now 5 years after I am not successful yet but it is getting there. I know my way, I’m happy, it will work. This is one of the qualities of entrepreneurs: never hesitate in your ideas, be open to challenges and wisdom from abroad and understand how to apply it in your goal!

I have my first partner in the company now. He is German actually. I was searching for investors and co-founders so I found this guy and oh my God! He is awesome!!! A 35-year-old doctor of astrophysics genius.

In order to be a very effective team you need to have diversity – it is the key. We are totally opposite in our thinking, that is how I build my team now.

About My Company

We found out that there is a big problem for real estate constructors because only 20% of small to medium size constructors have access to financing.

The onboarding process is a nightmare, it can take you 6 months to get pre-approval. Banks don’t rely on the data provided directly from the constructor because it could be false. And here we are!

In our company, we:

  • Develop the projects for financial institutions that give credits for real estate developers

  • Build the software where we can get reliable data from outside altogether

  • Analyze solvency of the user or the company

  • Check if the project is well based on data

  • Optimize the portfolio of financial institutions based on machine learning

  • Work with 200 different bank products

With one click we do a 3 month job. This could be a slogan 😊

What is the challenge of my business? A whole bunch of them. Right now is a cultural aspect of “I do things like this for 20 years and I don’t want to use technology” – conservative approach.

Once we prove that we can add value, customers will stay with us for life. That’s why I do demos, that’s why I go one to one to real estate developers to show the numbers.

Working for yourself is difficult. It is challenging to have your own agenda priorities and to push yourself. It is not easy to start your own business and think everyday life would be the same.

But hey! Learn to solve problems after they happen.

Never stress yourself in advance there is no need for it.

I would like to recommend some great books for prospective students. I read a lot, I don’t know if is needed for success I just do it because it gives me understanding! Here you go:

2023 Update: New Blocked Account Sum for Study Abroad in Germany

Yana Immis

Attention Study Abroad Aspirants! 🌎✈️ Stay Informed: 2023 Update on Blocked Account Requirement in Germany!

2023 Update: New Blocked Account Requirement for Study Abroad in Germany

Studying abroad in Germany presents an exciting opportunity for international students, but it also entails fulfilling specific financial requirements.

Among these requirements is the necessity to open a blocked bank account (Sperrkonto). You have to demonstrate adequate financial resources during the visa application process!

In 2023, an important update arrived for a blocked bank account, which prospective students must be aware of. Read carefully to ensure a seamless application process and to successful study abroad.

What is a Blocked Account and Why is it Important?

A blocked account is a specialized bank account that serves as evidence of financial stability. Consider it to be children's money. Your parents used to give you money per day/week, same here, but per month!

Germans want to make sure that students possess sufficient funds to cover their living expenses. This includes tuition fees, and other financial obligations while living and studying in Germany.

The significance of a blocked account lies in its ability to act as a financial safety net for students. The Germans want to make sure you won’t be relying on public funds. It showcases students' responsibility and commitment to their education while removing concerns regarding their financial well-being.

Students who applied for a visa before 01.01.2023 or those who are already in Germany

The change is only applicable to later applications, however, to be on the safe side, be cautious. German embassies across the globe have already started requesting the updated amount.

Solution: either add an extra sum to your blocked account and request a confirmation. Or put more money in your account for a visa extension once you have arrived in Germany (prior to the visa extension).

Students who apply for a visa after 01.01.2023

Attention! Do not disregard this news putting yourself at risk!

Students with the old blocked sum may have:

  1. Visa delay due to a request to resubmit the account confirmation

  2. Visa denial

All these visa applications must have an increased blocked account balance confirmation.

Solution: transfer the difference between the new and the old blocked account sum to your account. Request an additional confirmation from a selected bank afterwards. Make sure to take a confirmation email or document with you to the appointment.

Are There Alternative Methods to Prove Financial Stability?

Some students may question whether there are alternative methods to prove financial stability instead of a blocked account.

While it is true that exceptions or alternative financial proofs exist for certain students, a blocked account remains a common requirement for many international students.

You can consult me, or university or the immigration authorities to determine if a blocked account is necessary for you!

The 2023 Update: Increased Requirement for Blocked Bank Account

One significant factor is the increase in the monthly financial assistance allocated to BAföG beneficiaries under the German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). This increase sets a precedent for adjusting the blocked account amount, ensuring it remains relevant.

Effective from January 1, 2023, the required amount for a blocked bank account will increase from €10,332 to €11,208. This update reflects an 8.5% increase to align with inflation. Rising living costs also have an impact.

Drawback: Initial financing required is higher. Keep in mind that 1st-year expenses are much higher than the next years, because of the university deposit, tuition fees as well as accommodation deposit payments).

Benefit: Monthly withdrawal capacity increases, which helps students to support their living expenses from one month to another.

The increase also impacts the monthly withdrawal limit, which will rise from €861 to €934. Staying informed about these changes is essential to meet the updated requirements and avoid any complications during the visa application process.

Generally, when consulting students, I advise you to schedule your expenses the following way:

  • Year 1: 30000 Euro for everything absolutely plus maintaining a good social living standard

  • Year 2: 20000 Euro considering you would be doing internship and summer jobs for 90 days

  • Year 3: 10000 Euro considering you will be working or switching to a part-time job already

The German authorities increase the amount required for a blocked bank account time after time in order to adjust it to the needs of students and living costs in Germany.

New Yearly Budget   11,208 Euro
New Monthly Withdrawal   934 Euro
Old Yearly Budget   11,172 Euro
Old Monthly Withdrawal   931 Euro

Steps to Meet the New Blocked Account Requirement

To meet the new requirement of €11,208, prospective students must follow certain steps for their German Study Visa & Blocked Account Confirmation.

Step 1: Choose a Bank or Provider

Research reputable banks or providers that offer blocked accounts tailored to international students. It is crucial to select a reliable institution that caters to your needs and provides the necessary services.

Step 2: Gather the Required Documents

Prepare the necessary documentation

  • passport,

  • visa application,

  • proof of enrollment or acceptance at a German university,

  • and any additional identification or financial documents required by your chosen bank or provider.

Step 3: Transfer Funds to the Blocked Account

Transfer the required sum of €11,208 into your blocked account. Keep in mind that certain banks may charge fees for account opening or fund transfers. Check those beforehand.

Step 4: Obtain Confirmation and Documentation

Once you transfer the Blocked Account fees, you will receive a payment confirmation. Take it with you together with educational, private & university admission documents during your visa application.

Also, make sure to take these documents with you to Germany!

Step 4: Schedule an Appointment for Visa Application

Regarding the visa application, you have 2 choices according to your residential address: Embassy/Consulate or VFS application. Make sure to check which one is the closest to you. Contact the relevant authorities to schedule an appointment for your visa application.

During the appointment, you will need to provide proof of solvency, educational documents, and acceptance letters (non-conditional, after paying the deposit) from the university.

Additional Financial Considerations for Studying Abroad in Germany

While the blocked account requirement is a critical aspect of financial planning for studying abroad in Germany, there are other financial considerations to keep in mind.

You should consider the Blocked Account sum to be sufficient to live off in the small cities (accommodation + food + telephone bills) but it most probably won’t be sufficient for the big cities like Hamburg, Munich, and Berlin. Make sure to carefully plan your finances, and stash some cash before flying (at least 1000 Euro) to have a smooth move to Deutschland.

Here are some additional tips:

Health Insurance: Protect Your Well-being

Germany mandates that all students have health insurance coverage. Research and obtain an appropriate health insurance plan that fulfills the German requirements and provides comprehensive coverage for your healthcare needs.

Visa Fees and Additional Expenses: Plan Ahead

Apart from the blocked account requirement, there are visa application fees and other expenses associated with studying abroad. Take these costs into account during your financial planning and budget accordingly.

Part-Time Jobs and Student Discounts: Maximize Your Resources

Consider exploring part-time job opportunities while studying in Germany to supplement your finances. Additionally, take advantage of student discounts available for various services such as transportation, cultural events, and student memberships.

Financial Resources and Support: Seek Guidance

Familiarize yourself with the resources and support available to international students concerning the blocked account requirement. Official websites, forums, and support services can provide valuable information and guidance throughout the process.

Fulfill the Financial Requirements for an Enriching Study Abroad Experience

The blocked account requirement remains a crucial aspect of studying abroad in Germany, ensuring financial stability and independence for international students.

The 2023 update regarding the increased amount of €11,208 underscores the importance of staying informed and meeting the updated requirements. Opening a blocked account and maintaining the necessary funds demonstrate your commitment to your education and financial responsibility.

Remember to research reputable banks or providers, gather the required documentation, and transfer the required sum into your blocked account.

Consult with me or the university academic office or both, afterwards reach out to the immigration authorities to determine if a blocked account is mandatory based on your individual circumstances. Proper financial planning, including budgeting and considering additional expenses, will contribute to a successful study abroad journey in Germany.

Take action early, seek assistance if needed, and embark on your study abroad adventure with confidence, knowing that you have fulfilled the necessary financial requirements for a fulfilling and enriching experience in Germany.

This information is not relevant to you but you know someone who would find it helpful?

Make sure to share this article with them.

Still unsure which blocked account option to choose? Contact me for advice!

Still having a lot of questions or doubts about the topic? Click on the button below to learn more about:

  • Blocked Account Exceptions

  • Blocked Account Options

  • Blocked Account Documents & Deadlines

  • Blocked Account Procedure

APS Certificate for German Student Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide

Yana Immis

🌟 Unlock Your Path to Studying in Germany! Master These Steps to Obtain Your APS Certificate and Secure Your Student Visa with Ease!

APS Certificate for German Student Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you an Indian student interested in pursuing higher education in Germany?

If yes, obtaining an APS (Akademische Prüfstelle) certificate is essential for you now from 2022 onwards!

For students who wish to study in Germany, the APS certificate verifies the equivalence of their educational qualifications. I'll walk you through the step-by-step process in this comprehensive guide, so you'll be well-prepared to study in Germany. Stay tuned!

Understanding the APS Certificate

International students studying in Germany should familiarize themselves with the APS certificate. APS certificates are issued by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the German Embassy.

It evaluates the academic qualifications of international students and determines their eligibility to study in Germany. Specifically, this certificate is required for students from India. However, for a decade before India introduced those, China, Vietnam, and Mongolia already had them in place!

Good news: your visa processing time is reduced because the main workload now falls on the APS equivalency.

Eligibility Criteria

The APS certificate requires certain criteria to qualify. The following requirements must be met:

  • Completing 12 years of education from a recognized board or university.

  • Applying for undergraduate studies (bachelor's degree) or postgraduate studies (master's degree) in Germany.

  • Considering the future education program out of the list of qualified professions. For example, engineering, medicine, natural sciences, business, or related fields.

Application Process

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the APS certificate application process:

Step 1: Research Your Desired Course and University

From India to Germany soon!

Before applying for the APS certificate, it is crucial to thoroughly research the course and university you wish to attend in Germany.

Use the DAAD website for uni in Germany or my website and free consultations for the best uni selection! Check the admission requirements, program details, deadlines, and any specific prerequisites for international students.

Step 2: Collect Required Documents

APS Zertifikat

Gather all the necessary documents for your APS certificate application. These typically include:

  • Filled application form (available on the DAAD or APS office website)

  • Valid passport

  • Official transcripts and certificates from previous educational institutions

  • Proof of language proficiency (usually German or English)

  • Curriculum vitae (CV)

  • Statement of purpose (SOP)

  • Any additional documents required by the APS office

  • If you already have offer letters and study contracts, attach those too!

Step 3: Submit Your Application

Your completed forms may be sent with all the supporting documents to the APS office in India by post or be brought in person.

Mind the new updates from the APS & German embassy websites about the digital opportunities appearing!

Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information to avoid any delays in the evaluation process.

Step 4: Attend the APS Interview

The majority of students are invited to the interview (not all) once the application is received and processed.

This is to assess your academic background, language skills, and motivation for studying in Germany.

Prepare well for the interview by researching and answering these 4 questions:


Be ready to be asked questions about your future goals.

Hint: if you mention, that you want to contribute to your country when you return (not that you have to return) it will give you bonus points!

Step 5: Be patient and await the APS Certificate

After the interview, the APS office will evaluate your application and make a decision regarding the issuance of the APS certificate. The evaluation process may take several weeks or even months, so it's important to be patient during this period.

Students who apply to study in Germany with me are individually guided by me and partner universities. Because of that, we receive an APS certificate earlier!

Contact me here to find out more!

Preparing for the Student Visa Application

Preparing for the Student Visa Application

Once you receive the APS certificate, congratulations! You're one step closer to your dream of studying in Germany. Here are the next steps and articles to help you find your way step by step.

Step 1: Research Visa Requirements

Thoroughly research the visa requirements for Indian students planning to study in Germany.

Visit the official website of the German Embassy or Consulate in India for detailed information on the documents needed, application procedures, and visa fees. Consult me if you need help with the German language!

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Collect all the necessary documents for your student visa application. These typically include:

  1. Valid passport: Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Germany.

  2. APS certificate: This is a crucial document that verifies the equivalence of your educational qualifications.

  3. Proof of financial means: Provide evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees and living expenses in Germany. This can include bank statements, scholarship letters, or sponsorship documents.

  4. Health insurance: German law requires all students to have health insurance coverage. Obtain comprehensive health insurance that is valid in Germany.

  5. Proof of accommodation: Show proof of your accommodation arrangements in Germany.

    This is a myth: accommodation is NOT required for a visa. Rent a cancellable AirBnb/Hotel/Hostel!

Step 3: Complete the Visa Application Form

Fill out the student visa application form accurately and truthfully.

In my experience, you can send the ready version to the academic or admissions office of the university to have a second glance. However, mostly only private universities offer such a service.

Double-check all the information before submitting the form to avoid any mistakes or discrepancies. Be sure to include your APS certificate details and other relevant information.

Step 4: Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment at the German Embassy or Consulate closest to the address you are checked in at (written in your passport) for submitting your visa application.

It is essential to book the appointment well in advance, as there may be a high demand for visa appointments during peak seasons. Make sure to bring all the required documents with you to the appointment.

Step 5: Attend the Visa Interview

On the scheduled date, attend the visa interview at the German Embassy or Consulate. There most probably will be an interview, unless you submitted the documents via VFS by post.

Hint: they may ask you some things in German, remain calm and say that you will be studying in English (if that is the case), but showing off some German words will always do good!

Be prepared to answer questions related to your study plans, financial solvency, and motivation for studying in Germany once again. Provide all the required documents during the interview, and be honest and confident in your responses.

The rule in the embassy is: more is more. Bring as many documents as possible, even more than required in the checklist!!! Let them pick out the relevant and irrelevant ones on their own.

Step 6: Pay the Visa Fee

Pay the applicable visa fee to the Embassy, VFS center or the Consulate. Keep the receipt as proof of payment, as you may need it for future reference to pick up the passport.

Step 7: Patiently Wait

After the visa interview, your application will undergo processing. Due to APS, the processing times are not more than 1-2 months now! This is good news, however, the duration for processing may vary, so it's important to be patient. Once a decision is made, you will be notified of the outcome.

Once your visa application is approved, you are asked to bring insurance and passport (unless it was kept) for stamping. Yay!

Should your visa be denied, we, together with my students and universities appeal for a visa decision.

Up until now 100% of students were given a positive visa or a positive answer on appeal!

Additional Tips for a Smooth Process

To ensure a smooth process of obtaining the APS certificate and student visa, consider the following tips:

Start Early: Begin the application process well in advance to allow sufficient time for document gathering, evaluation, and visa processing. This helps avoid last-minute stress and ensures timely completion of all requirements.

Seek Guidance: If you have any doubts or concerns regarding the APS certificate or student visa application, let me know!

Obtain Language Proficiency: Consider daily Duolingo practice, an intensive 3-month course prior to arriving online or in-person to improve your language skills.

Focus on Financial Planning: Plan your finances carefully to ensure you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees & living expenses.

A Blocked Account or an Invitation (Verpflichtungserklaerung) should cover you in small cities. In big cities that may not be sufficient).

Research scholarships, grants, and part-time job opportunities to support your financial needs. Scholarship info can be found here.

Check Accommodation Arrangements: Start looking for accommodation options early on, as finding suitable housing can take time.

Explore university dormitories, shared apartments, or private rentals based on your preferences and budget, and make sure to take full use of this article on accommodation!

The majority of students get AirBnb, Hostel, or Hotel for 2-3 weeks from arrival date. Because they want to check the long-term rentals in person (also safer this way).

Health Insurance: Familiarize yourself with the health insurance requirements in Germany. If you haven’t yet obtained insurance for travel (tourist one) make sure to get it.

The majority of students get insurance from the Blocked Account providers or subscription-based options (TKK AOK etc) in person in Germany. This will ensure access to quality healthcare during your stay.

Stay Informed: Stay updated with the latest information and changes in visa regulations, application procedures, and educational policies.

Regularly check official websites, attend info sessions, and engage with relevant forums or communities to stay informed and make informed decisions.

Obtaining an APS certificate is the last step together with a visa separating you from your goal of studying abroad in Germany.

By following this step-by-step guide, conducting thorough research, and staying organized throughout the process, you can increase your chances of a successful application.

Remember to start early, gather all necessary documents, and seek guidance when needed. With careful planning and preparation, you'll be on your way to pursuing your academic dreams in Germany.

I wish you all the best in your journey toward obtaining an APS certificate and pursuing your studies in Germany. And if you are my student or my prospective student, you know where to find me ;-)