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Q&A Study Abroad In Germany Belgium Holland 2020-2021 - Part 1

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Q&A Study Abroad In Germany Belgium Holland 2020-2021 - Part 1

Yana Immis

On our Q&A agenda today:

- How do we determine our GPA in terms of the German GPA? (Conversion of grades)

- I heard that the upcoming admissions have been delayed till the further announcement. Is that right?

- Where will the most of the foreign students stay when they come to study there?

- How much does the MBA cost in Germany?

- Would C's or D's in A-levels be enough to get into the German university for a Bachelor's?

- Will the language be necessary for a Master's for a Non-EU Student?

- I will be going to study in Munich Business School. But I can't find them on a Munich Student Union. Is the school genuine?

- You can charge the students the fees and they will be ready for it. Why don’t you?

- How much does it cost for a Master’s in Computer Science?

- Please start working with Public Universities. Why don’t you?

- Is the Blocked Account required to study in Belgium?

- Is it possible to study in English in Belgium?

- Does the German government require us to every time put 10.200 Euro on the account (every year)?

- Can I travel around Europe with the student visa? Or I still need a Schengen Visa?

- Is GMAT mandatory for my Master or MBA?