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Q&A Study Abroad In Germany Belgium Holland 2020-2021 - Part 2

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Q&A Study Abroad In Germany Belgium Holland 2020-2021 - Part 2

Yana Immis

On our Q&A agenda today:

- I am Au-Pair in Germany. I would like to study Business - can I do that with my visa?

- How long does it take to get a residence work permit in Germany?A Residence/Working Permit in Germany

- Is studying in Germany expensive? Is it really worth it?

- Is it hard to get a visa to study in Germany for foreigners? I am from Morocco

- How can I apply for Architecture studies?

- Is it really difficult to find friends in Germany?

- Can you please tell me when the quarantine is over in Germany?

- I can’t learn Deutsch (German) – why is that so?

- Can you talk about Studienkolleg?

- Was ist dein nächstes Reiseziel?

- Which city should we consider which is not rather expensive for living and for studying?

- What’s your favourite movie?

- What made you start your Educational Agency? What inspired you?

- How do I get scholarships?

- I am a German teacher in Turkey. Sometimes I think to move to Germany for work. Do you advise?