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A Day In Germany VLOG Part 1: Flight To Munich, Transport, Cycling Around The City

Yana Immis

I've been where you are. In 2009 at the age of 18, I moved from a small city in Russia to study at a University in Germany.

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About Part 2

Yana Immis

69,2% OF FOREIGNERS WANT TO STAY Countless job opportunities after graduation including 18-month Job-Seeking visa with 3.1% unemployment rate in one of the safest countries in the world. Study In Germany. Here is why!

The second half of the reasons to choose Germany and move:

10. Top Quality of Teaching

11. Career centers at German Business Schools for job placement and career counselling

12. Safety & Rich Culture welcoming foreigners

13. Low unemployment rate

14. High Income

15. Location & one visa for 16 countries

16. Infrastructure

17. Work culture – work-life balance

18. Strong economy

WHY STUDY IN GERMANY ? | 18 Things You Didn't Know About Part 1

Yana Immis

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs” — Farrah Gray. Study In Germany. Here is why!

The first half of the reasons to choose Germany and move:

1. Free or affordable education with plenty of scholarships

2. Lower cost of living than the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia

3. No need to learn German. Study in English!

4. Easy visa with low denial rates

5. 'Made In Germany' seal of quality - the best country for international students in terms of ranking & image

6. Permission to work during studies, right after studies and 1.5 years to search for a job after graduation (Job-Seeking visa)

7. One of the world’s most powerful passports

8. Foreigner-friendly universities

9. Availability of courses with 2 starting dates per year: September and March! No time waste